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Emergency Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry

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QUICK! Think fast: you just knocked out one of your teeth, and now you’re bleeding and in extreme pain. What do you do? Who should you call? Do you need to dial 911? When you find yourself in the middle of a dental emergency, the best thing for you to do is to immediately call your emergency dentist in Sacramento. Dr. Bennett is experienced in these high-intensity situations and can get you the relief you need quickly. While a knocked-out tooth is just one kind of dental emergency, there are others that should also make you call us if you ever experience them.

Dental Emergencies

A dental emergency is a situation where you have traumatically injured your teeth or gums and need to get urgent attention. Some common dental emergencies are:

  • Broken or knocked-out teeth
  • Broken or knocked out crown/bridge
  • Severe toothache
  • Severe jaw pain
  • Injury to the gums
  • Large object caught between teeth
  • Swelling in the face and jaw

The key indicator is pain. If you are in so much dental pain that you cannot focus on anything else, you are probably in the middle of a dental emergency, and you need to act quickly so you can save your teeth and reduce your pain.

What You Should Do

Dental emergencies, like any emergency, can be very stressful. The first thing you need to do is stay calm. This will enable you to think clearly and take action. You should then immediately call your dentist in Sacramento at Arden Arcade Dental. In fact, you should put our number in your phone right now so that you don’t have to look it up while injured. Those precious moments count while you are in pain. When you call, we will make an appointment to see you as soon as possible, and our highly-trained staff will talk you through first-aid.

Here are some tips on what to do in a dental emergency after you have called us:

  • Keep a knocked-out or broken tooth wet until you can see us. A tooth that has been outside of the mouth for 2 hours cannot be put back, and keeping it wet will help it stay viable until you can see us. Place it back into your mouth if possible, or in a container of milk.
  • Wash the injured area with warm water. One of the biggest risks with dental emergencies is the threat of infection, and a quick rinse can help protect you from further complications.
  • Try to stop the bleeding using pressure. Gentle pressure with a rag or napkin will help you stop bleeding sooner.
  • Use a cold compress to manage the pain. Something as simple as a bag of ice or frozen vegetables can make a big difference in reducing your pain.
  • Ideally, have someone else drive you to the office. Dental emergencies are commonly associated with head trauma, which can make it dangerous for you to drive.

If you have sustained any other injuries such as broken bones, or are bleeding profusely, go straight to your local emergency room.

How To Prevent a Dental Emergency

You can avoid dental emergencies in a few ways. Firstly, avoid chewing hard things like ice or using your teeth to open packaging. Be sure to wear a mouthguard when playing sports as well. Routine check-ups and cleanings are some of the best ways to prevent dental emergencies because they can catch and fix small problems before they become larger ones.

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