Composite Veneers
Single-Visit Composite Veneer Application Procedure
Composite veneers require less or no enamel removal. Dr. Bennett can make and place your veneers in one visit! If your composite veneer requires a lab, the steps are similar to porcelain veneers. The composite material is typically applied to the surface of the tooth and molded into shape.
Composite Resin Veneers vs. Porcelain Veneers
Composite veneers have many advantages, namely being cost-effective while not sacrificing quality. Another advantage is timeliness: composites can typically be fabricated while you wait. Direct composite veneers are sculpted onto your teeth rather than at a lab. The tooth-shaded resin is directly applied to teeth where it can be shaped, sculpted, and polished to elicit a more natural, tooth-like appearance.
Another great benefit of composite veneers is reversibility. Minimal prep work is done to your teeth when it comes to composites, meaning that they are not permanently altered to such an extent that the composite material cannot be removed and replaced as needed.