Everything You Need to Know About Root Canal Therapy in Arden Arcade
The phrase root canal sends many dental patients running for the door, but this dental misnomer is not nearly as bad as it sounds. The root canal is actually just the interior part of tooth roots where the nerves are housed.
So, how did the painful tooth infection and its treatment come to be called a root canal?
A “root canal” is actually the infection of the interior, pulp, layer of teeth. The dental specialty that studies these pulp infections is aptly named endodontics (endo means inside and dontic means tooth). In most cases, these pulp infections originate in the root of the tooth where the outer enamel and dentin layers of teeth are weakest. For this reason, infection of the pulp layer and treatment were referred to as root canals. The name stuck, and because of the extreme pain experienced by patients with a root canal infection, is now associated with dental pain.